Welcome to the Community Guidelines.
These guidelines apply to each of our communities for the Learn To Paint Academy, Figure Painting Academy, Sketchbook Academy, and the Artist Business Academy.
These communities are specifically designed for students of Moore Art to connect, collaborate and support each other in their studies. The focus of these community is to provide a space for sharing your work, asking questions and getting feedback related to the various curriculum's.
Please note that these are not a general art communities and while we welcome your art-related discussions, we ask that you keep them relevant to the curriculum and focus of each academy.
As such please do not post photos, paintings, or information that is sourced externally including art teachers, art courses, art schools, YouTube videos, and so on.
We ask that you follow the guidelines as stated below:
- Be respectful and kind to all members, regardless of their background, experience or beliefs.
- Do not engage in any type of harassment, discrimination, or hate speech.
- Keep all content and communications appropriate for a general audience, and keep in mind 95% of our members fall in the beginner to intermediate level.
- Do not share any personal information of other members without their consent.
- Do not share any confidential or proprietary information without proper authorization.
- Do not engage in any illegal or unethical activities while using the community.
We take the issue of Copyright seriously.
Do not post paintings or photos to the Community that you do not own the copyright to unless it is derived from the Learn To Paint Academy. This includes images you may have found on the web that you have painted, copies of other artist’s paintings, paintings completed by other art teachers, courses, videos, etc external to the Learn To Paint Academy.
Please only post paintings and photos that you either own the copyright to (ie you took the source photo), or are derived from the Learn To Paint Academy.
Posts in violation of copyright will be automatically deleted without notice.
If you wish to have your painting critiqued then please post it to the community along with the reference photo and specifically ask for feedback or a critique.
Alternatively, you can submit your paintings for inclusion in the monthly Video Critique that Rod provides.
Only give critiques to those members who have specifically requested it. Not everyone is looking for critiques of their work.
When giving critiques of members’ artwork do so in the context of the curriculum taught at the Learn To Paint Academy.
Please keep in mind that the member requesting a critique or feedback may not be at your level or experience. They may be at the early stage of their painting journey and your critique may be over the top based on their experience and knowledge. This can (and often does) lead to confusion or overwhelm for the new member.
By participating in this community, you acknowledge your acceptance of these guidelines along with our terms of service and privacy statement. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the revocation of your membership as per our terms of service.
Thank you for your cooperation and for being a part of our community!
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