Need help or support? If you can not find the solution from the above then please contact our support team by opening a Support Ticket. You can do so by clicking below:
Support queries are answered during office hours:
- Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm (AEST - Brisbane Time)
Note - Please allow 48 to 72 hours to respond to your support ticket as we are only a small team. Do not send multiple support tickets about the same issue as this slows down the response time. We appreciate your patience while we get back to you
Please be aware of the copyright details as follows:
As a student of Learn To Paint Academy you can paint and sell your version of any of the paintings in lessons from the Learn To Paint Academy that you have access to.
Only MCI's (Moore Certified Instructors) have rights to teach any of our courses and projects. You may not teach any of the courses or projects in any fashion, either for commercial purposes or otherwise, unless you have completed the Moore Certified Instructor program and received your certification.
If a painting appears on Rod's personal art Facebook page, social media or on his website but is not on the Learn To Paint Academy, then you are not to copy these works as they are Rod's personal works.
All other properties such as courses, projects, videos, audios, print or downloadable materials and photos are not to be copied, shared or resold either for commercial purposes or otherwise.
If you have any questions regarding this copyright notice then please contact the support team as per above
ACN: 640 753 617
ABN: 20640753617